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Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): Volume 13 Issue 1 April 2024
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): Volume 13 Issue 1 April 2024
Content of Volume 13 Issue 1 April 2024
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Differences sella turcica morphology in Class II and III skeletal malocclusion patients aged 18-25 years in the Medical Radiology Laboratory, Faculty of Dentistry, Brawijaya University and Dental Clinic, Saiful Anwar Hospital
Perbedaan morfologi sella tursika pada pasien maloklusi skeletal Klas II dan III usia 18-25 tahun di Laboratorium Radiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Brawijaya dan Poli Gigi RS Saiful Anwar
Berliana Zulnadya Azmi, Nur Masita Silviana
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Relation between Class I malocclusion and bad oral habits in children with autism in Makassar
Hubungan maloklusi Klas I dengan kebiasaan buruk oral pada anak dengan autisme di Makassar
Muh. Chaeerul Gunawan, Muh. Harun Achmad, Marhamah, Yayah Inayah
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Identification of fingerprint patterns of down syndrome patients in special schools in Padang and students of the Faculty of Dentistry class of 2020, Baiturrahmah University
Identification of fingerprint patterns of down syndrome patients in special schools in Padang and students of the Faculty of Dentistry class of 2020, Baiturrahmah University
Suci Lia Ayu Prameswari, Firdaus, Resti Iswani
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Prevalence of periodontal disease in Radiology Installation of RSGMP Hasanuddin University Makassar after the Covid-19 pandemic in 2022
Prevalence of periodontal disease in Radiology Installation of RSGMP Hasanuddin University Makassar after the Covid-19 pandemic in 2022
Kintara Putri Amriana Sahidu, Barunawaty Yunus
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The effect of little dentist education on the knowledge level of dental and oral health of elementary school children in Badung
Pengaruh edukasi dokter gigi kecil terhadap tingkat pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak sekolah dasar di Badung
Ni Putu Ayu Ratnasari, Putri Rejeki, Luh Ayu Wayan Rahaswanti, Kadek Asri Asmita Pradnyana Putri
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Knowledge level of patient about the impact of tooth loss at Puskesmas Lubuk Buaya Padang City
Tingkat pengetahuan pasien tentang dampak kehilangan gigi di Puskesmas Lubuk Buaya Kota Padang
Citra Nandya Kirana, Resa Ferdina, Resti Iswani
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Inhibition zone test of extract of white sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) mentawai against Streptococcus sanguinis
Uji zona hambat ekstrak teripang putih (Holothuria scabra) Mentawai terhadap Streptococcus sanguinis
Nabila Soraya Ulfa, Utmi Arma, Abu Bakar, Kornialia, Fitria Mailiza
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Effectiveness of art therapy methods on tooth brushing behaviour of preschool children in Padang City
Efektivitas metode art therapy terhadap perilaku menyikat gigi dari anak usia prasekolah di Kota Padang
Miratin Khairiah, Ricky Amran, Hanim Khalida Zia
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The relationship of Dewey-type grade 1 malocclusion knowledge to the need for orthodontic treatment in children aged 9-12 years at SD Negeri Tamalanrea Makassar
Hubungan pengetahuan maloklusi kelas 1 tipe Dewey dengan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti pada anak usia 9-12 tahun di SD Negeri Tamalanrea Makassar
Roynald Daniel Dendang, Muh. Harun Achmad
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Effect of kurma ajwa extract (Phoenix dactylifera L.) on the growth of Candida albicans
Pengaruh estrak kurma ajwa (Phoenix dactylifera L.) terhadap pertumbuhan Candida albicans
Maqhfirah Amiruddin, Mohammad Dharma Utama, Andi Tenri Biba, Muhammad Jayadi Abdi, Andi Wulan Ramadani
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Identification of stress levels of pre-clinical students in facing the final semester block examination at the Faculty of Dentistry, Baiturrahmah University
Identifikasi tingkat stres mahasiswa pre-klinik dalam menghadapi ujian blok semester akhir pada Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Baiturrahmah
Khusnul Khotimah, Leny Sang Surya, Satria Yandi
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The effectiveness of motivational interviewing method in changing the dental and oral health behavior of pregnant women at RSIA Sitti Khadijah 1 Makassar
Efektivitas metode motivational interviewing terhadap perubahan perilaku kesehatan gigi dan mulut ibu hamil di RSIA Sitti Khadijah 1 Makassar
Annisa Rahmayani, Rasmidar Samad, Ayub Irmadani Anwar, Fuad Husain Akbar
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Maxillary esthetic correction using hybrid prosthesis with precision attachment
Koreksi estetik rahang atas menggunakan prostesis hybrid dengan kaitan presisi
Astri Al hutami Aziz, Riezky Rhamdani, Bahruddin Thalib
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Pulp polyp in children
Polip pulpa pada anak
Difa Dirgantara, Siti Fatimah, Ervina Tyawarman, Alfiyah Pujiyati, Leny Sang Surya, Hanim Khalida Zia, Oniel Syukma Pertiwi
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The use of desensitizing agent to reduce tooth sensitivity after in office bleaching procedure
Penggunaan desensitizing agent untuk mengurangi sensitivitas gigi pascaprosedur in office bleaching
Aryuni Abd. Gaffar, Aries Chandra Trilaksana
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Management of sinistra buccal abscess caused by pulp gangrene
Penatalaksanaan abses bukalis sinistra yang disebabkan oleh gangren pulpa
Asty R. Bennu, Abul Fauzi, Andi Tajrin
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Management of chronic periodontitis in hypertensive patients
Penatalaksanaan periodontitis kronis pada pasien hipertensi
Hatimurni, Dian Setiawati, Afdalia Annisa
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Treatment of non-carious cervical lesions with the de-epithelialized free gingival graft and coronal advancement flap method
Penanganan lesi servikal non karies dengan metode de-epithelialized free gingival graft dan coronal advancement flap
Daniel Tetan-El, Hasanuddin Thahir, Jennifer Tjokro
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Management of radicular cysts in patients with a history of systemic disease
Penatalaksanaan kista radikular pada pasien dengan riwayat penyakit sistemik
Abul Fauzi, Yossy Yoanita Ariestiana, Yeyen Sutasmi
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Oral manifestations in patients with uncontrolled type 1 diabetes mellitus
Manifestasi oral pada penderita diabetes melitus tipe 1 tidak terkontrol
Maitsa Farrasoya, Ridha Nur Annisa, Mutia Rochmawati, Ni Ketut Donna Prisilia Tanjungsari
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Management of odontogenic giant radicular cyst with maxillary sinus expansion
Penatalaksanaan odontogenic giant radicular cyst dengan perluasan sinus maksilaris
Rachmady Nofriansyah, A. Arfandi Arifuddin
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One visit endodontic as a treatment option during the pandemic
One visit endodontic sebagai sebuah pilihan perawatan di masa pandemi
Dewi Krisyanti, Noor Hikmah
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Hyperplastic candidiasis in HIV patient
Kandidiasis hiperplastik pada pasien HIV
Mutia Rochmawati, Aldina Gusri, Sabrina Aulia NH, Heppy Oktavianto
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Lidocaine local anaesthetic hypersensitivity in children after infiltration extraction
Hipersensitivitas anestesi lokal lidokain pada anak pasca esktraksi infiltrasi
ElphiraDarma Putri, Qoriatul Ilmi, Chika Indah Pratiwi, Leny Sang Surya, Hanim Khalida Zia, Oniel Syukma Pertiwi, Alfiyah Pujiyati
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Minimally invasive aesthetic procedure for discolored teeth
Prosedur estetik minimal invasif pada gigi yang mengalami diskolorasi
Sari Arianti Ali, Nurhayaty Natsir
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Emergency management of dental trauma in children's dental avulsion cases
Penatalaksanaan kegawatdaruratan trauma gigi pada kasus avulsi gigi anak
Jeffrey, Florence Meliawaty, Frita F.S. Djohan
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Malocclusion differences between exclusive breastfeed and bottle-feeding children
Perbedaan maloklusi pada anak antara yang diberi ASI eksklusif dan susu botol
Eddy Heriyanto Habar, Ibna Adiba Zalikha Ilyas, Ardiansyah S. Pawinru, Zilal Islami Paramma
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Utilization of marine biota as a bone graft material
Pemanfaatan biota laut sebagai bahan bone graft
Ismu Chairunnisa, Rafikah Hasyim, Husny Fadilah, Nurul Fajriani, Adinda Febriani, Andi Mohammad Fauzan
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Utilisation of Chlorella vulgaris in bone regeneration in dental implant treatment
Pemanfaatan Chlorella vulgaris dalam regenerasi tulang pada perawatan implan gigi
Irene Edith Rieuwpassa, Muh. Farhan Fauzi, Muh. Fachrul Itsani Gasri, Hillery Getroida Torar, Fanny Ayu Elfira, Linda Permata Sari
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The relationship between breastfeeding and the incidence of malocclusion in children
Hubungan menyusui ASI dengan kejadian maloklusi pada anak
Mila Febriany, Sherly Horax, Eka Erwansyah, Fajriani F, Marhamah
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Effectiveness of moringa leaf extract (Moringa oleifera) on post-extraction dental socket healing
Efektivitas ekstrak daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) terhadap penyembuhan soket gigi pasca ekstraksi
Nurlilis, Lenni Indriani, Wilda Nikita, Fadilah Rahmawati DS, Ragil Ponco Buwono Syam
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Craniofacial growth and development
Tumbuh kembang kraniofasial
Marhamah, Sherly Horax, Fajriani, Irene Edith Rieuwpassa, Eddy Heriyanto Habar, Siti Rachmatiara
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The role of golden sea cucumber (Stichopus hermanii) in preventing orthodontic relapse
Peran teripang emas (Stichopus hermanii) dalam mencegah relaps ortodonti
Fiona Veronica Sangian, Mansjur Nasir, Zilal Islamy Paramma, Baharuddin M Ranggang, Karima Qurnia Mansjur
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Addition of hydroxyapatite from mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) shell powder to the cementation strength of glass ionomer cement
Penambahan hidroksiapatit dari serbuk cangkang kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) terhadap kekuatan sementasi glass ionomer cement
Anisah Nabilah Ferry, Mohammad Dharma Utama, Eri Hendra Jubhari
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An interdisciplinary periodontic-orthodontic approach to the treatment of pathological tooth migration
interdisciplinary periodontic-orthodontic approach to the treatment of pathological tooth migration
Sulfadliana, Sri Oktawati
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Alveolar ridge preservation in preparation for implant placement
Alveolar ridge preservation sebagai persiapan pemasangan implan
Arni Irawaty Djais, Laetitia Evangeline Ana Tukan
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Mappanetta' isi: the forgotten culture of the Bugis tribe
Mappanetta’ isi: budaya Suku Bugis yang terlupakan
Nursyamsi Djamaluddin, Muhammad Imran Taufiq, Naifah Nahdah, Reviana Anggreini Ningrum, Dion Agung Mahendra, Berkat Exsaudi Sihombing
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Description of dental caries disease in dental and oral health services in Community Health Center Palmerah
Gambaran penyakit karies gigi pada kunjungan unit layanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut Puskesmas Palmerah
Dyah Hardiarini, Yaslis Ilyas
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Comparison of fruit pulp and seed extracts of ajwa date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L) against the growth of Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans
Perbandingan ekstrak daging buah dan biji kurma ajwa (Phoenix dactylifera L) terhadap pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans dan Candida albicans
Maqhfirah Amiruddin, Mohammad Dharma Utama, Chusnul Chotimah, Amanah Pertiwisari, Eri Hendra Jubhari, Kurniaty Pamewa, Riqzzah Azzuhri
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Post immersion colour change of heat cured acrylic resin base in green tea (Camellia sinensis) solution
Perubahan warna pascaperendaman basis resin akrilik polimerisasi panas dalam larutan teh hijau (Camellia sinensis)
Syarifa Fawzia Ahmad, Eri Hendra Jubhari
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