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Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 3 Desember 2023
Content of Volume 12 Issue 3 December 2023
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The effectiveness of beetroot extract (Beta vulgaris L.) on thermoplastic nylon denture base wearers in inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans
Efektivitas ekstrak buah bit (Beta vulgaris L.) pada pemakai basis gigi tiruan nilon termoplastik dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans
Kadek Dwi Dessy Sapitri, Ria Koesoemawati
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Overview of the prevalence of periodontitis in hypertensive patients at Posbindu PTM in the working environment of Puskesmas Langensari 1 Banjar City
Gambaran prevalensi periodontitis pada pasien hipertensi di Posbindu PTM yang terdapat di lingkungan kerja Puskesmas Langensari 1 Kota Banjar
Albert Leonardo, Novia Chantika Dewi, Rr. Primarizka I. L., Ignatius Setiawan, Grace Monica, Ivana Abigayl
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The level of knowledge of elderly people about halitosis due to wearing a complete denture at Lubuk Buaya Health Centre
Tingkat pengetahuan manula tentang halitosis akibat pemakaian gigi tiruan lengkap di Puskesmas Lubuk Buaya
Aulia Zarvi, Resa Ferdina, Kornialia
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Prevalence of impacted third molar during covid-19 pandemic at Hasanuddin University Dental Hospital
Prevalensi impaksi molar ketiga di masa pandemi Covid-19 di RSGMP Universitas Hasanuddin
Barunawaty Yunus, Andi Nurul Azizah Tenrilili
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Antibacterial activity test of papaya peel extract against the growth of S.mutans
Uji aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak kulit pepaya terhadap pertumbuhan S.mutans
Vinsensia Aprilla Ananda Icha, Sinar Yani, Nuryanni Dihin Utami, Yadi, Masyhudi
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Stabilization splint and its role in overcoming temporomandibular joint disorders
Splint stabilisasi dan perannya dalam mengatasi gangguan sendi temporomandibula
Ista Meidarlina, Rasmi Rikmasari
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Effect of solvent temperature and dissolving time on the amount of yield from moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf extractions
Pengaruh suhu pelarut dan waktu pelarutan terhadap jumlah rendemen dari hasil ekstraksi daun kelor (Moringa oleifera)
Wulan Anggestia, Natasya Shenia Utami, Netta Anggraini
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Antibacterial activity of longan seed extract (Dimocarpus longan L.) to P.gingivalis
Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak biji kelengkeng (Dimocarpus longan L.) terhadap P.gingivalis
Vinna Kurniawati Sugiaman, Gisela Alvina Murdany , Henry Y. Mandalas
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The hardness of bulkfill nanofiller composite resin is higher compared to non bulkfill
Kekerasan resin komposit nanofiller bulkfill lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan non-bulkfill
Putu Rusmiany, Dewa Made Wedagama, Ida Ayu Siwi Gayatri
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Prevalence of caries on panoramic radiographs at Radiology Installation RSGMP Hasanuddin University Makassar in 2022 after Covid-19 pandemic
Prevalensi karies pada radiografi panoramik di Instalasi Radiologi RSGMP Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar tahun 2022 pasca pandemi Covid-19
Barunawaty Yunus, Raditya Nasrullah Azhar, Raditya Nasrullah Azhar
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Effectiveness of inhibition of telang flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) against the growth of Candida albicans
Efektivitas daya hambat bunga telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) terhadap pertumbuhan Candida albicans
Ni Nyoman Gemini Sari, Intan Kemala Dewi, Pande I Putu Andika Prasetiawan
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The effect of interactive counselling method on dental and oral health knowledge among islamic boarding school students
Pengaruh metode penyuluhan interaktif terhadap pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada santri pondok pesantren
Taqwim A, Edy Machmud, Ade AM, Nurul SM, Eri Hendra Jubhari
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The relationship between nutritional status and persistence cases of primary teeth
Hubungan status gizi dengan kasus persistensi gigi sulung
Dion Leonardo, Cynthia, Ignatius Setiawan, Grace Monica, Ivana Abigayl, Miranti Hakim
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An endodontic emergency situation with airborne contagious diseases around
Situasi darurat endodontik dengan penyakit menular melalui udara sekitar
Lestari Hardianti Sugiaman, Noor Hikmah, Nurhayaty Natsir, Juni Jekti Nugroho, Wahyuni Suci Dwiandhany, Christine Anastasia Rovani
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Management of submandibular abscess extending to the temporal space in a child
Tatalaksana dari abses submandibula yang meluas ke spasia temporal pada anak
Moh. Gazali, Ochtavianus Kano T, Abul Fauzi
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Effectiveness of avocado peel extract (Persea americana Mill) on the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria
Efektivitas ekstrak kulit alpukat (Persea americana Mill) terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Porphyromonas gingivalis
Netta Anggraini, Mayona Adisti Bastian, Widya Puspita Sari
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Corticotomy as one of methods to accelerate duration of orthodontic treatment
Corticotomy sebagai salah satu metode untuk mempercepat durasi perawatan ortodonti
Hillery Getroida Torar, Susilowati
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Crown lengthening for gummy smile treatment related to altered passive eruption
Crown lengthening untuk perawatan gummy smile yang berhubungan dengan altered passive eruption
Sri Oktawati, Febrianty, Sherly Endang
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Full denture with conventional overdenture
Gigi tiruan lengkap dengan overdenture konvensional
Bahruddin Thalib, Probo Damoro Putro
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Early caries prediction using hormonal fingerprint in children
Prediksi awal karies pada anak dengan menggunakan hormonal fingerprint
Husny Fadilah, Adam Malik Hamudeng
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Maxilla and mandible rehabilitation using telescopic overdenture
Rehabilitasi Maksila dan mandibula menggunakan overdenture teleskopik
Risnawati, Ian Afifah Sudarman, Andre Koesumo, Mohammad Dharma Utama
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Osteogenesis imperfecta in incidental findings of panoramic radiographic examination
Osteogenesis imperfecta pada temuan insidental pemeriksaan radiografi panoramik
Fadhlil U.A Rahman, Muhammad Fadil Hidayat, Barunawaty Yunus, Syakriani Syahrir
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A comparative evaluation of osteoprogeterin and receptor activator of nuclear Kappa B ligand during orthodontic movement
Evaluasi komparatif osteoprogeterin dan aktivator reseptor ligan Kappa B nuklir selama gerakan ortodontik
Norman Hidajah, Ketut Virtika Ayu
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Utilization of fucoidan extract from brown algaes as antibacteria on tooth
Pemanfaatan ekstrak fucoidan dari alga cokelat sebagai antibakteri pada gigi
Rezky Pangestu Aji, Andi Nirmala Sari, Ahmad Rafiesa Guna, Lenni Indriani, Asmawati
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Effectiveness of peppermint-based mouthwash as antibacteria in the mouth
Efektivitas mouthwash berbahan dasar peppermint sebagai antibakteri rongga mulut
Nugraha, Lenni Indriani, Nurul Husna, Widi Aspiah Azhary
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Marine sponges as potential inhibitors of oral squamous cell carcinoma
Spons laut sebagai penghambat potensial karsinoma sel skuamosa oral
Asmawati, Bahruddin Thalib, Alqarama M. Thalib, Sitti Jahadiyah, Linda
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Silver diamine fluoride in paediatric dentistry practice
Silver diamine fluoride dalam praktik kedokteran gigi anak
Fajriani, Marhamah, Sherly Horax, Hafsah Katu, Siti Rachmatiara Dwi Destiarini
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Increasing the number of fibrolas in the healing of rat gingiva wounds with topically applied of leaves extracts of belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi Linn)
Peningkatan jumlah fibrolas pada penyembuhan luka gingiva tikus dengan pemberian ekstrak daun belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi Linn) secara topikal
I Gusti Agung Ayu Hartini
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The potential of fucoidan extract in stimulating the growth of osteoblast cells on alveolar bonepotential of fucoidan extract in stimulating the growth of osteoblast cells on alveolar bone
Potensi ekstrak fucoidan dalam merangsang pertumbuhan osteoblas pada tulang alveolar
Egita Aprilia Sukarno, Abdul Gany, Rayhan Azhar Mustakim, Andi Adinda Mustafifa, Nur Istiqamah Riyadh, Nabiel Muhammad Hilmansyah, Rafikah Hasyim
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Utilisation of moringa seed extract (Moringa oleifera) in inhibiting the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis
Pemanfaatan ekstrak biji kelor (Moringa oleifera) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Porphyromonas gingivalis
Ulfa Mutiatul Huda, Nur Laily, Ramayani Ramly, Lenni Indriani
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Comparison of conventional surgical techniques combined with periodontal flap surgery and electrosurgery in the management of epulis fibromatosa
Perbandingan teknik pembedahan konvensional kombinasi bedah flap periodontal dan electrosurgery pada penatalaksanaan epulis fibromatosa
Surijana Mappangara, Afriani, Nurhadijah Raja, Sitti Raoda, Dian Eka Satya
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Lingualized occlusion in full edentulous patient with flat ridge posterior mandibular
Lingualized occlusion pada pasien full edentulous dengan lingir yang datar pada posterior rahang bawah
Ludfia Ulfa, Ike Damayanti Habar, Herawati Hasan
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Implant supported overdenture using magnetic retention in mandible rehabilitation
Overdenture dukungan implan dengan retensi magnet pada rehabilitasi rahang bawah
Irfan Dammar, Muthia Mutmainnah Bachtiar, Eri Hendra Jubhari, Irsal Wahyudi
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Management of epulis fissuratum with excision and vestibuloplasty
Penatalaksana epulis fissuratum dengan eksisi dan vestibuloplasti
Maulana Muslim, Hadira, Moh. Gazali
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Single visit endodontic of teeth with pulpitis irreversible asymptomatic
Single visit endodontic pada pulpitis ireversibel asimtomatik
Imara Binti Qaf, Juni Jekti Nugroho
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Gingivectomy in patients with drug-induced gingival enlargement due to amlodipine consumption
Gingivektomi pada penderita pembesaran gingiva yang diinduksi oleh konsumsi amlodipine
Machirah, Mardiana Andi Adam, Gustivanny Dwipa Asri
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Perio-ortho interdisciplinary management for midline diastema related to abberant frenulum
Manajemen interdisipliner perio-ortho untuk diastema garis tengah yang berhubungan dengan frenulum abberant
Muthmainnah, Asdar Gani, Dian Eka Satya
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