The effect of frenulum lingualis length size with the incidence of lisp in students of SDN 31 Jati Tanah Tinggi Padang in 2023
Pengaruh panjang ukuran frenulum lingualis dengan kejadian cadel siswa-siswi SDN 31 Jati Tanah Tinggi Padang pada tahun 2023
The lingual frenulum connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth. When its role is disrupted, it causes many problems, one of which is the limitation in pronouncing some letters or can be called a lisp. This study aims to identify the difference and effect of lingual frenulum size length between people with lisp and normal individuals using the Quick Tongue Tie assessment (QTT). The measurement results and scale were read to the nearest millimetre and then graded into classes 1-4 according to Kotlow, showing a significant difference and influence in the length of the lingual frenulum between the two groups i.e. 87.5% of the 40 lisp individu-als had a size less than 16 mm and 12.5% more than 16 mm. In normal individuals the size of lingual frenulum was 100% more than 16 mm. The difference in lingual frenulum size can be used as an alternative assessment in forensic identification. It is conclu-ded that the length of the frenulum lingualis influences the incidence of lisp. The severity of ankyloglossia or tongue-tie occurs in males compared to females, so males have a shorter frenulum lingualis size than females. Age did not affect the incidence of lisp or ankyloglossia.
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