Success rate of mineral trioxide aggregate, formocresol, and calcium hydroxide as a vital pulpotomy medicament
Tingkat keberhasilan mineral trioxide aggregate, formokresol, dan kalsium hidroksida sebagai medikamen pulpotomi vital
The treatment of vital pulpotomy in primary teeth is more complex than that of permanent teeth, so dentists are expected to be able to choose the right medicament, so as to improve the pulp healing process and not damage the seeds of permanent teeth. Medications commonly used for vital pulpotomy are mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), formocresol and calcium hydoxide. This literature review discusses the success rate of MTA, formocresol, and Ca(OH)2 as vital pulpotomy medicaments. In this literature review, articles were collected using Google Scholar and Pubmed with the keywords vital pulpotomy, mineral tri-oxide aggregate, formocresol, and calcium hydroxide with the inclusion criteria being articles published in 2013-2021, availa-able in full-text, and written in both Indonesian and English. It was concluded that the success rate of MTA, formocresol, and Ca(OH)2 as vital pulpotomy medicaments was seen clinically and radiographically, and all three materials had a high success rate. However, MTA can be said to have a higher success rate because clinically and radiographically it does not show failure compared to other medicaments.
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