Marginal bone loss rates in screw-implant and cementation-implant supported prostheses
Tingkat kehilangan tulang marginal pada prostesis dukungan implan sekrup dan implan sementasi
In the field of restorative dentistry, dental implants are very popular. There are two options for implant permanent crown restora-tion, screwed or cemented. Bone loss around the implant that occurs after one year of prostheses placement is one of the indica-tors for assessing treatment success. This article examines the marginal bone loss rates of both types of implant-supported pros-theses by collecting several internet-based literatures using the keywords marginal bone loss of implant screwed and implant ce-mented. The rate of bone loss is one of the assessments of the success of edentulous treatment using implants. There are seve-ral factors that impact bone loss around the implant. In screw implant prostheses marginal bone loss can be greater due to greater non-axial transfer of occlusal load and can be exacerbated if the implant is placed in an area that received a bone graft. It was concluded that greater marginal bone loss occurs with screw implant prostheses, but in terms of strength, screw implant pros-theses are better than cementation implant prostheses.
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