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Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): Volume 13 Issue 2 Agustus 2024
Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): Volume 13 Issue 2 Agustus 2024
Content of Volume 13 Issue 2 Agustus 2024
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Prevalence of caries according to ICDAS, and Mount and Hume Classification in SLB (B) Negeri Cicendo and Prima Bakti Bandung
Prevalensi karies menurut klasifikasi ICDAS dan Mount and Hume di SLB (B) Negeri Cicendo dan Prima Bakti Bandung
Anie Apriani, Ratnasari Wijaya Sunaryo, Rudy Djuanda
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The relationship between bad habits of thumb sucking and the incidence of Dewey type Klas I malocclusion in students aged 9-12 years at Tamalanrea Public Elementary School Makassar
Hubungan kebiasaan buruk mengisap jempol dengan kejadian maloklusi tipe Dewey Klas I pada murid usia 9-12 tahun di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Tamalanrea Makassar
Ummul Khaer Said, Muhammad Harun Achmad
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Overview and distinctiveness of lip print patterns in preclinical students of class 2020 Faculty of Dentistry Baiturrahmah University
Gambaran dan kekhasan pola sidik bibir pada mahasiswa preklinik angkatan 2020 Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Baiturrahmah
Firdaus, Andries Pascawinata, Berliana Nilam Indra
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Comparison of compressive strength of recycled type III gypsum and Portland Composite Cement mixtures with manufactured type III gypsum
Perbandingan kekuatan tekan campuran gipsum tipe III daur ulang dan Portland Composite Cement dengan gipsum tipe III pabrikan
Anisa Permata Ermiyon, Aria Fransiska, Nelvi Yohana
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Prevalence of caries on periapical radiographs at the Radiology Installation of the Hasanuddin University Teaching Dental Hospital Makassar after the Covid-19 pandemic
Prevalensi karies pada radiografi periapikal di Instalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Gigi Mulut Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar pascapandemi Covid-19
Barunawaty Yunus, Raditya Nasrullah Azhar
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Clinical features of salivary flow rate and potential of hydrogen in stunted children
Gambaran klinis laju alir saliva dan potential of hydrogen pada anak stunting
Sari Pandu Utami, Intan Batura Endo Mahata, Nur Sahwani
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Prevalence of periodontal disease findings from panoramic radiographs in the Radiology Department of RSGMP Hasanuddin University in 2023
Prevalensi temuan penyakit periodontal dari radiografi panoramik di Departemen Radiologi RSGMP Universitas Hasanuddin pada tahun 2023
Barunawaty Yunus, Nurul Sakinah
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Antibacterial effectiveness of garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) extract nanoparticles against E.faecalis
Efektivitas antibakteri nanopartikel ekstrak bawang putih (Allium sativum Linn.) terhadap E.faecalis
Juni Jekti Nugroho, Tharisya Amiharna Kayla, Afniati Rachmuddin
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The effect of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) peel extract against the number of neutrophils post tooth extraction of male wistar rats
Pengaruh ekstrak kulit buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) terhadap jumlah neutrofil pasca pencabutan gigi tikus wistar jantan
Alfan Maulana Erdiansyah, Zainul Cholid, Winny Adriatmoko
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Comparison of inhibition test of mouthwash containing chlorhexidine 0.12% and cetylpyridinium chloride 0.1% with povidone iodine 1% against Porphyromonas gingivalis
Perbandingan uji daya hambat obat kumur yang mengandung chlorhexidine 0,12% dan cetylpyridinium chloride 0,1% dengan povidone iodine 1% terhadap Porphyromonas gingivalis
Bryan Agung Sutanto, Henry Yonatan Mandalas, Vinna Kurniawati Sugiaman
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Bioinformatics analysis and biomolecular characterization of salivary alpha amylase as risk factor for dental caries
Analisis bioinformatika dan karakterisasi biomolekuler alfa amilase saliva sebagai faktor risiko karies gigi
Siti Rusdiana Puspa Dewi, Irfannuddin
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Prevalence of impacted teeth on radiography in the Radiology Department of RSGMP Hasanuddin University in 2023
Prevalensi gigi impaksi pada radiografi di Departemen Radiologi RSGMP Universitas Hasanuddin tahun 2023
Barunawaty Yunus, Khezi Yentissa Putri Abadi
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The effect of cariogenic food consumption on the incidence of caries in children
Pengaruh konsumsi makanan kariogenik terhadap kejadian karies pada anak
Ricky Amran, Resa Ferdina, Haviva
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The relationship between the habit of brushing teeth before sleeping at night and the caries status of children aged 9-12 years
relationship between the habit of brushing teeth before sleeping at night and the caries status of children aged 9-12 years
Sitti Fadhilla Oemar M, Sari Aldilawati, Azzahra Anindya
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Initial flat ridge impression using compound material on edentulous mandible
Pencetakan awal flat ridge menggunakan compound pada edentulous mandibula
Ainun Bazira, Mohammad Dharma Utama, Adriani Dachri
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Management of frenectomy on the superior labial frenulum with conventional technique
Management of frenectomy on the superior labial frenulum with conventional technique
Firman Salam, Hasanuddin Thahir, Febrianty
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Prosthodontic management of rare giant ameloblastoma
Manajemen prostodontik pada giant ameloblastoma yang langka
Nurimah Wahyuni, Acing Habibie Mude
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Mucocele management in pediatric patients
Penatalaksanaan mukokel pada pasien anak
Rona Liansari Samad, Abul Fauzi, Moh. Gazali
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A Rampant caries
Karies rampan
Resi Wiyanti, Falladira Adhani, Subiana Hidayatul Safitri, Leny Sang Surya, Hanim Khalida Zia, Oniel Syukma Pertiwi, Alfiyah Pujiyati
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Periodontitis in children
Periodontitis pada anak
Qonitah Salsabila, Embun Irzal, Putri Yuwanda Wulandari, Alfiyah Pujiyati, Leny Sang Surya, Hanim Khalida Zia, Oniel Syukma Pertiwi
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Management of submandibula abscess dextra et causa impaction teeth at Sultan Fatah Hospital Demak
Penatalaksanaan abses submandibula dekstra et causa impaksi gigi di RSUD Sultan Fatah Demak
Syarifah Nova Amisa Zam, Fuad Fatkhurrohman, Satriyo Atmojo
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Management of medically-compromised patients at RSGM UMY with diabetes mellitus
Tatalaksana pasien medically-compromised di RSGM UMY dengan diabetes melitus
Dwi Ayu Fitriani, Dian Yosi Arinawati
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Perio-ortho interdisciplinary approach in the case management of generalised severe periodontitis
Pendekatan interdisipliner perio-orto dalam manajemen kasus generalized severe periodontitis
Ditha Zulistiana, Arni Irawaty Djais
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Orthodontic management of patient with cleft lip and palate
Penanganan ortodontik pada penderita celah bibir dan lelangit
Andi Kurniati, Ardiansyah S. Pawinru, Baharuddin M. Ranggang
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The role of hydrophilic implant surfaces to enhance the osseointegration process
Peran permukaan implan yang hidrofilik untuk meningkatkan proses osseointegrasi
Irfan Dammar, Fitrian Riksavianti, Eri Hendra Jubhari
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Maxillofacial prosthesis materials selection
Pemilihan bahan prostesis maksilofasial
Hastinawaty, Vinsensia Launardo
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Potential of Moringa oleifera as a gingivitis inhibitor
Potensi Moringa oleifera sebagai penghambat gingivitis
Asmawati, Alqarama Mahardika Thalib, Bahruddin Thalib, Windha Andrawina, Mayang Eria, Nurul Amelia, Mellin Anggraeni L
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Denture stomatitis and its management
Denture stomatitis dan penatalaksanaannya
Andi Mirna Nasliah, Edy Machmud
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Effect of immunosuppressant drugs on Covid-19 patients to prevent cytokine storm in relation to periodontal tissue health
Pengaruh obat imunosupresan terhadap pasien Covid-19 untuk mencegah badai sitokin dalam hubungannya pada kesehatan jaringan periodontal
Patrisia Seroja Ningrum, Hasanuddin Thahir
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The future of orthodontic treatment for children: intraoral scanners and 3D printers
Masa depan perawatan ortodontik pada pasien anak: intraoral scanner dan printer 3D
Giska Anandita Cahyani, Syakriani Syahrir
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Effectiveness of marine algae (Gracilarias sp) in the treatment of periodontitis
Efektivitas Alga Laut (Gracilaria sp) dalam Perawatan Periodontitis
Irene E. Rieuwpassa, Sasmita, Nur Ain latjompoh, Amani Fajri Khairunnisa, Astriani
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Comparative analysis of numerical systems and comprehensive systems in dental professional education
Analisis perbandingan numerical system dan comprehensive system pada pendidikan profesi kedokteran gigi
Mansjur Nasir, Rezki Ulwan Sudarmin, Karima Qurnia Mansjur, Zilal Islamy Paramma
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Application of complete denture in clas II and class III jaw relationship
Application of complete denture in clas II and class III jaw relationship
Bahruddin Thalib, Rizkiani Awaliyah Ramli
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Periodontal treatment performed before, during, or after orthodontic therapy
Perawatan periodontal yang dilakukan sebelum, pada saat, atau setelah terapi ortodontik
Ummi Salmiah Sari, Mardiana Andi Adam
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Radicular cyst associated with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis in CBCT study
Radicular cyst associated with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis in CBCT study
Ifa ariefah, Barunawaty Yunus, Fadhlil UA Rahman, Yossy Yoanita A
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Overview severity of malocclusion in children with special needs in SLB Negeri 1 Makassar
Gambaran tingkat keparahan maloklusi pada anak berkebutuhan khusus di SLB Negeri 1 Makassar
Ardiansyah S Pawinru , Nur Rahmadani Alimuddin, Susilowati
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The tensile strength of layered bovine amniotic membrane and human amniotic membrane for periodontal guided tissue regeneration
Kekuatan tarik layered bovine amniotic membrane dan human amniotic membrane untuk periodontal guided tissue regeneration
I Komang Evan Wijaksana, Made Talitha Suryaningsih Pinatih
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Overview of oral hygiene and knowledge of dental and oral health in diabetes mellitus patients at Puskesmas Lampa, Duampanua, Pinrang
Gambaran kebersihan gigi dan mulut serta pengetahuan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada pasien diabetes melitus di Puskesmas Lampa, Duampanua, Pinrang
Sri Oktawati, Dian Setiawati, Asdar Gani, Mardiana Adam, Hasanuddin Thahir, Arni Irawaty Djais, Raoda Juwita, Ibriana, Agung Friadi
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Overview of smoking habits on the occurrence of nicotine stomatitis at Warkop Lima Satu Makassar
Gambaran kebiasaan merokok terhadap kejadian stomatitis nikotin di Warkop Lima Satu Makassar
Ali Yusran, Yousa Nur Salim
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Effect of analgesic medications taken by orthodontic patients on tooth movement
Pengaruh obat-obatan analgesik yang dikonsumsi pasien ortodonti terhadap pergerakan gigi
Avivien Aurandia Qanita, Kornialia, Fauzia Nilam Orienty
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