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Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 1 April 2023
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Volume 12 Issue 1 April 2023
Content of Volume 12 Issue 1 April 2023
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Effect of vehicles on the pH of nanoparticle calcium hydroxide from Indonesian limestone paste
Pengaruh pelarut terhadap pH nanopartikel kalsium hidroksida dari pasta kapur Indonesia
Atia Nurul Sidiqa, Ryan Wibie Fitriantama, Ira Artilia, Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria, Arief Cahyanto, I Made Joni, Ani Melani Maskoen
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Management of fibroma on the upper lip and left buccal mucosa
Penatalaksanaan fibroma pada bibir atas dan mukosa bukal kiri
andries pascawinata, Fadil Muhammad Pashya
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Implant placement with maxillary lateral window sinus lifting
Pemasangan implan disertai sinus lifting dengan teknik lateral window
Ratna Sari dewi, Djamilah Tohirah
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Aesthetic management with bleaching external without light activation
Penatalaksanaan estetik dengan bleaching eksternal tanpa penyinaran
Risnawati, Christine Anastasia Rovani
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The Effect of Natural Antioxidants on Bond Strength of Composite Resin To Tooth Structure Post Internal Bleaching
Pengaruh antioksidan alami terhadap kekuatan ikatan resin komposit dengan struktur gigi pasca pemutihan internal
Febrianty Alexes Siampa, Juni Jekti Nugroho, Hafsah Katu
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Effects of roses extract (Rosa damascena Mill.) on healing of Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans induced-angular cheilitis on wistar male rats
Efek ekstrak bunga mawar terhadap penyembuhan angular cheilitis yang diinduksi Staphylococcus aureus dan Candida albicans pada tikus jantan wistar
Sumintarti, Albertin Dwiyanti, Asdar Gani, Ali Yusran, Harlina, Erni Marlina, Andi Anggun Mauliana Putri, Nur Asmi Usman
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The effect of extraction of impacted third molars with temporomandibular joint disorders
Pengaruh ekstraksi gigi molar ketiga impaksi dengan gangguan sendi temporomandibula
Azkia Ulil Azmy, Rasmi Rikmasari, Setyawan Bonifacius
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Multiple impacted teeth in mandibular partial edentulous
Treatment of multiple impacted teeth in mandibular partial edentulous
Hendrijaya Permana, Hadira, Muchtar Nur Anam
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Surgical pre-prosthetic alveoplasty
Bedah pre-prostetik alveoplasti
Eka Pramudita Ramadhany, setiawan, ilma Yudistian
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Comparison of antibacterial activity of both seeds and leaves ethanol extract of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) against Streptococcus mutans
Perbandingan aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol biji dan daun alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) terhadap Streptococcus mutans
Vinna Kurniawati Sugiaman, Beby Tara Calosa, Natallia Pranata
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Antibacterial effectiveness of red fruit extract (Pandanus conoideus Lam) against S.mutans as an acrylic resin based denture cleanerr
Efektivitas antibakteri ekstrak buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam) terhadap S.mutans sebagai pembersih gigi tiruan berbasis resin akrilik
Silvia Naliani, Patricia Octaviane Mellinia Sutarto P, Vinna Kurniawati Sugiaman, Jane Amelia Vebriani Wibisono
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Periodontal regenerative therapy in diabetes mellitus patient
Terapi periodontal regeneratif pada pasien diabetes melitus
Rachmi Bachtiar, Dian Setiawati, Sri Wahyu Putri
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The effectivity of tobacco leaf paste as denture cleanser to surface roughness of heat cured acrylic resin
Efektivitas pasta daun tembakau sebagai pembersih gigi tiruan terhadap kekasaran permukaan resin akrilik polimerisasi panas
Lusi Hidayati, Rahardyan Parnaadji, Kheista Nava Malika, Sulistiyani
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Potensial use of sea shells as a biocomposite additive
Potensi manfaat kerang laut sebagai bahan tambahan biokomposit
Muhammad Alpin, Andi Nilla Gading, Andi Iyanah Istiyanah Syam, Andi Nurfidyati Zubair, Irene Edith Rieuwpassa
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Analysis of panoramic radiograph and CBCT images of glandular odontogenic cyst in oral cavity
Analisis gambaran radiografi panoramik dan CBCT glandular odontogenic cyst pada rongga mulut
Muh. Akmal Amru, Barunawaty Yunus
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Effectiveness of 10% roselle extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa) as a disinfectant of impression on the growth of microorganisms
Efektivitas ekstrak rosella 10% (Hibiscus sabdariffa) sebagai desinfektan cetakan rahang terhadap pertumbuhan organisme mikro
Mohammad Dharma Utama, Eri Hendra Jubhari, Finka Afifah Ummiati
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The role of probiotics in iron deficiency anemia management
Peran probiotik dalam manajemen anemia defisiensi besi
Siti Rachmatiara Dwi Destiarini, Sherly Horax, Marhamah, Fajriani, Sumintarti
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Chronic periodontitis as a risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Periodontitis kronis sebagai faktor risiko penyakit kardiovascular aterosklerosis
tira nurfaizah, A. Mardiana Adam
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Patient satisfaction postorthognathic surgery in Makassar
Kepuasan pasien pascabedah ortognatik di Makassar
Inna Husnul Ibnu, Hadira, M. Ruslin, Eddy Heriyanto Habar
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The use of Steiner analysis to make a diagnosis in orthodontic treatment
Penggunaan analisis Steiner untuk menegakkan diagnosis dalam perawatan ortodonti
Andi Gerwyn Dewanta Putera, Ardiansyah S.Pawinru, Nasyrah Hidayati
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Perio-aesthetic surgical management of a patient with fibromatous epulis, gummy smile, and gingival hyperpigmentation
Penatalaksanaan bedah perio-estetik pada pasien epulis fibromatosa, gummy smile dan hiperpigmentasi gingiva
Nurfitra Abd Fatah, Hasanuddin Thahir, Jenifer Tjokro
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Long exposure time can increase the surface hardness of composite resin
Lamanya waktu penyinaran dapat meningkatkan kekerasan permukaan resin komposit
I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Tista
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Lingual appliance of orthodontic treatment
Peranti lingual untuk perawatan ortodonti
Julia Rahim, Nasyrah Hidayanti, Eka Erwansayah
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Orthodontic treatment using miniscrew
Perawatan ortodonti menggunakan miniscrew
Rasdiana Bakri, Eka Erwansyah, Baharuddin M. Ranggang
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Effectivity of red algae (Gracilaria verrucosa) as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
Efektivitas alga merah (Gracilaria verrucosa) sebagai antibakteri dan anti-inflamasi
Asmawati, Al’qarama Mahardhika Thalib, Ade Suriyanti Nurdin Latief, Meuthia Alysha Fauziah Nusaly
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Bleeding complications of post tooth extraction in patients with antiplatelet therapy
Komplikasi perdarahan pasca ekstraksi gigi pada pasien dengan terapi antiplatelet
Yossy Yoanita Ariestiana, Abul Fauzi, Yenny Andriany Tarukallo
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Effectiveness of gabapentin in the management of third molar post-odontectomy pain
Efektivitas gabapentin dalam manajemen nyeri pascaodontektomi molar ketiga
Muhammad Hidayatullah, Abul Fauzi, Ahmad Nur Islam
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Oral fibroepithelial polyp: a case series of two patients
Polip fibroepitelial oral: serial kasus dengan dua pasien
Abul Fauzi, Nurwahida, Iradatullah
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Gabapentin as an adjuvant analgesic to reduce postodontectomy pain
Gabapentin sebagai analgesik tambahan untuk mengurangi nyeri pascaodontektomi
Ahmad Nur Islam, Mukhtar Nur Anam, Prisilla Mutiara Djehan Pattisahusiwa
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Successful dental implant placement in patients with diabetes mellitus
Keberhasilan pemasangan implant gigi pada pasien penderita diabetes melitus
Adelia Chandra, Asdar Gani
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Root resorption due to orthodontic treatment
Resorpsi akar akibat perawatan ortodonti
Zilal Islamy Paramma, Fatmawati Mappeare, Ardiansyah S. Pawinru
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In office bleaching: a treatment solution for teeth with extrinsic discoloration and the hypersensitivity effects
In office bleaching: solusi perawatan gigi yang mengalami diskolorasi ekstrinsik dan efek hipersensitivitas
Noor Hikmah, Linda Dian Aksari, Nurhayaty Natsir, Juni Jekti Nugroho, Christine A. Rovani, Wahyuni Suci Dwiandhany, Hafsah Katu
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The role of miswak (Salvadora persica) contents in reducing plaque index
Peranan kandungan siwak (Salvadora persica) dalam menurunkan indeks plak
Adam Malik Hamudeng, Andi Yudia Sari Firmansyah
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Fiber Composite Splint in Tooth Mobility accompanied by Esthetic Correction of Microdontia and Tooth Rotation: Case Report
Fiber composite splint pada mobilitas gigi disertai koreksi estetika mikrodonsia dan rotasi gigi
Dwis Syahriel Dwis Syahriel, Asri Riany Putri, Dwis Syahrul, Arya Kusuma Agraha
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