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Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
Content of Volume 11 Issue 1 April 2022
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Comparison of design of removable partial denture with conventional technique and computer-aided system
Perbandingan pembuatan desain gigi tiruan sebagian lepas dengan teknik konvensional dan sistem computer-aided
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Antibacterial effectiveness of moringa leaf (Moringa oleifera) nanoparticle paste with different concentration against Enterococcus faecalis
Efektivitas antibakteri pasta nanopartikel daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) dengan konsentrasi berbeda terhadap Enterococcus faecalis
Juni Jekti Nugroho, Fanny Ayu Elfira
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Prevalence of impacted third maxillary molar tooth with skeletal malocclusion reviewed from cephalometric imaging in RSGM Kandea and Ladokgi Makassar year 2016-2019
Prevalensi impaksi gigi molar ketiga rahang atas disertai maloklusi skeletal ditinjau dari gambaran sefalometri di RSGM Unhas dan Ladokgi Makassar tahun 2016-2019
Barunawaty Yunus, Kenrico John Nursalim, Andi Sumidarti
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The effect of dental X-ray on the cells of the human body
Pengaruh radiasi kedokteran gigi terhadap sel tubuh manusia
Sarianoferni, Eha Renwi Astuti
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Comparison of calcium levels in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and the other type of vertigo
Perbandingan kadar kalsium pada penderita benign paroxysmal positional vertigo dan jenis vertigo lainnya
Andi Kurnia Bintang, Marina Musyawwirina, Muhammad Iqbal Basri
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Xerostomia as a potential condition in patients Covid-19 with tetanus: A Case report
Serostomia sebagai kondisi potensial pada penderita Covid-19 disertai tetanus: Laporan kasus
Alamsyah Piliang, Dewi Zakiawati, Nanan Nur'aeny
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Lifestyle potential against recurrent intraoral herpes recurrence rate: a case series
Potensi gaya hidup terhadap tingkat kekambuhan recurrent intraoral herpes: serial kasus
Ani Megawati, Wahyu Hidayat
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Impact of maloclusion on quality of life in adolescent: a literature review
Dampak maloklusi terhadap kualitas hidup anak usia remaja: sebuah kajian literatur
Donald R. Nahusona, Rika Damayanti Syarif, Nurfadillah Panggalo
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The caries pattern of tooth surface of children at SDN Mangaran 2 in Kebun Renteng, Jember Regency
Pola karies berdasarkan lokasi permukaan gigi anak SDN Mangaran di wilayah Kebun Renteng Kabupaten Jember
Qatrin Yulia Safitri, Roedy Budirahardjo, Niken Probosari, Sulistiyani
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Effectivity of sea grape extract (Caulerpa Sp.) against wound cure on the angle of wistar white rats (Rattus norvegicus) lips induced by Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans
Efektivitas ekstrak anggur laut (Caulerpa Sp.) terhadap penyembuhan luka pada sudut bibir tikus putih wistar (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinduksi Staphylococcus aureus dan Candida albicans
Sumintarti, Putri Mujahidah, Ali Yusran, Harlina, Haswamati Hasan
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Exploration of the implementation of direct observation of procedural skill as an instrument for evaluation of clinical skills in dental professional education
Eksplorasi implementasi direct observation of procedural skill sebagai instrumen evaluasi keterampilan klinis pendidikan profesi kedokteran gigi.
Natalia Putri Handayani, Sri Linuwih Menaldi, Estivana Felaza
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Selection of preventive dental materials for children with special needs
Pemilihan material preventif gigi untuk anak berkebutuhan khusus
Anie Apriani, Angela Evelyna, Linda Sari Sembiring
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Root canal and fiber post treatment of maxillary right lateral incisor with pulp necrosis and periapical lesion due to secondary caries
Perawatan saluran akar dan pasak fiber pada gigi incisivus lateral kanan maksila nekrosis pulpa dengan lesi periapikal akibat karies sekunder
Ilma Yudistian
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Benefits of freeze dried arabica coffee peels (Coffea arabica) as an oral antimicrobial
Manfaat kulit buah kopi arabika kering beku (Coffea arabica) sebagai antimikroba oral
Agus Sumono, Tecky Indriana, Yuni Mulya Utami, Disaera
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Effectiveness of Kabat therapy as a complement therapy in medical and physical therapy of Bell's palsy patients: Literature review
Efektivitas terapi Kabat sebagai terapi komplemen pada terapi medikasi dan terapi fisik pasien Bell’s palsy: Kajian pustaka
Hasmawati Hasan, Nurmagfirah Rafiuddin
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Perception regarding learning computer based test during Covid-19 pandemic
Persepsi tentang pembelajaran computer based test selama pandemi Covid-19
Fuad Husain Akbar, Burhanuddin Daeng Pasiga, Rasmidar Samad, Rini Pratiwi, Ayub Irmadani Anwar, Nursyamsi Djamaluddin, Edy Julianto, Andi Nadwa Tenri Sapada
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Decrease in transverse strength of heat polymerized acrylic resin plate after immersion in 15% betel leaf extract (Piper betle Linn.)
Penurunan kekuatan transversal plat resin akrilik polimerisasi panas setelah perendaman dalam larutan ekstrak daun sirih (Piper betle Linn.) 15%
Sintha Nugrahini, Helena Jelita, Putu Hanny Ardianingsih
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Aesthetic management of anterior cantilever bridge with ovate pontic: a case report
Manajemen estetika jembatan kantilever anterior dengan pontik ovate: laporan kasus
Mariska Juanita, Irfan Dammar
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Apexification with apical plug in immature permanent maxillary incisor teeth: case report
Perawatan apeksifikasi dengan apical plug pada gigi permanen imatur insisivus rahang atas: laporan kasus
Lestari Hardianti Sugiaman, Nurhayaty Natsir
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Knowledge and attitude of dentist in districts of Tana Toraja and North Toraja regarding obstructive sleep apnoea: an overview
Gambaran pengetahuan dan sikap dokter gigi di Kabupaten Tana Toraja dan Toraja Utara mengenai obstructive sleep apnoea
Triantaglecia Rantebalik, Rasmidar Samad, Rini Pratiwi
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Wilckodontics-an interdisciplinary periodontics-orthodontic approach to accelerate orthodontic treatment time: a literature review
Wilckodontics-sebuah pendekatan interdisiplin periodontik-ortodontik untuk mempercepat waktu perawatan ortodontik: tinjauan pustaka
Shinta Rahma Mansyur, Mardiana Andi Adam
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Novel fully digital workflow for removable partial denture fabrication
Alur kerja digital lengkap terbaru dalam pembuatan gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan
Eri Hendra Jubhari, Priscilia Yoviani Sole
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Bleeding after extraction tooth: case series
Perdarahan pasca ekstraksi gigi: serial kasus
Nurmaifah, Mohammad Gazali, Andi Tajrin
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The effect of photocatalyst effect of titanium dioxide anatase on heat polymerized acrylic resin plate towards the growth of Candida albicans colonies
Pengaruh efek fotokatalis titanium dioxide anatase pada plat resin akrilik polimerisasi panas terhadap pertumbuhan koloni Candida albicans
Teguh Tri Widodo, Claudia Sekar Ayu M
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Oral manifestation and management of food hypersensitivity reaction in children: a case report
Manifestasi oral dan penatalaksanaan reaksi hipersensitif terhadap makanan pada anak: laporan kasus
I Gusti Ngurah Putra Dermawan, I Nyoman Gede Juwita Putra
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