Clinical features of salivary flow rate and potential of hydrogen in stunted children
Gambaran klinis laju alir saliva dan potential of hydrogen pada anak stunting
Stunting is a condition of growth failure in children under five due to chronic malnutrition. Stunting can cause disruption of oral health, such as a decrease in salivary flow rate and pH which can lead to caries risk. This study aims to determine the descrip-tion of salivary flow rate and pH in stunted children. Quantitative research with descriptive type through a cross sectional ap-proach, conducted at Ummah Islamic Kindergarten in December 2023 with a total sample of 33 people taken by total sampling. The results showed that the salivary flow rate of 16 people (48.5%) was in the low category and the salivary pH of 19 people (57.6%) was in the acidic category. It was concluded that the salivary flow rate in stunted children was in the low category and the pH of saliva in stunted children was in the acidic category.
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