Gingivectomy in patients with drug-induced gingival enlargement due to amlodipine consumption

Gingivektomi pada penderita pembesaran gingiva yang diinduksi oleh konsumsi amlodipine

  • Machirah Educational Program of Periodontology Specialist, Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Mardiana Andi Adam Departement of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Gustivanny Dwipa Asri Educational Program of Periodontology Specialist, Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: amlodipine, calcium channel blocker, gingival enlargement, gingivektomy


Gingival enlargement is a condition of increased gingival size that can cause aesthetic and dental hygiene problems. One of the etiologies of gingival enlargement is systemic factors caused by the consumption of drugs from the calcium channel blocker class. Amlodipine taken by hypertensive patients can trigger gingival enlargement. Gingivectomy is performed to remove gi-ngival pockets and inflammation so as to obtain physiological, functional and aesthetic gingiva. A 47-year-old woman came to Hasanuddin University Dental Hospital, Makassar with complaints of discomfort and lack of confidence with the condition of the maxillary and mandibular front gums since six months earlier. The patient had been taking hypertension medication, amlodipine 10 mg once daily since 2 years ago. After disinfection of the surgical area, anaesthesia with lidocaine 2% nor epi-nephrine, pocket marking using pocket marker base, incision using Krickland knife, gingival removal using Orban knife and scaling and root planing, periodontal pack was used. It was concluded that hypertensive patients who take amlodipine can trig-ger gingival enlargement.
