Implant supported overdenture using magnetic retention in mandible rehabilitation
Overdenture dukungan implan dengan retensi magnet pada rehabilitasi rahang bawah
Complications often occur in mandibular complete dentures, so to overcome retention and stability problems, implants are used as overdenture implant support. Attachment systems that connect implants and overdentures vary widely, one of which is a magnetic system. This article reports the use of magnetic retention on an implant-supported overdenture as rehabilitation of the total edentulous in the mandible. A 53-year-old man came to the Department of Prosthodontics Dental Hospital Hasanuddin University with complaints of difficulty chewing food due to the loss of all RA and RB teeth, the patient wanted to make a den-ture that was not easily separated so that it could function properly while eating. Implants were placed on both sides of the RB as overdenture support, implant osseointegration was assessed and followed by the installation of magnetic attachments on the implant and GTL inner surfaces. The 2-IOD results improved the patient's oral function, provided good stability and retention for the denture and improved mastication performance. It was concluded that the use of two implants in RB coupled with a magnetic attachment system can improve retention and stability in overdenture denture use.
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