Overview of the prevalence of periodontitis in hypertensive patients at Posbindu PTM in the working environment of Puskesmas Langensari 1 Banjar City
Gambaran prevalensi periodontitis pada pasien hipertensi di Posbindu PTM yang terdapat di lingkungan kerja Puskesmas Langensari 1 Kota Banjar
This study aims to provide an overview of oral health in hypertensive patients who follow the Integrated Assistance Post for Non-Communicable Diseases (Posbindu PTM) in the BLUD UPTD Puskesmas Langensari I work area (Posbindu Margasari, Posbindu Sindangasih, and Posbindu Sindangmulya). This descriptive study used a retrospective approach and cross-sect-ional design. Samples were obtained by accidental sampling. The type of data used is secondary data and processed using Ms. Excel. There were 1,166 patients with hypertension in the Langensari I Health Centre working area; 49 samples were obtained. It showed the highest prevalence of periodontitis in Posbindu Sindangasih (37%), then in Posbindu Sindangmulya (33%), and in Posbindu Mergasari (30%). It was concluded that most patients with hypertension showed oral manifestations in the form of periodontitis.
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